Need Addressed: Creating an app to assist wheelchair users in maintaining and servicing their wheelchairs by interfacing directly with service providers to more accurately predict the lifespan of components based on use.

Concept: Dr. Anand Mhatre, University of Pittsburgh, School of Health and Rehabilitation Science, Jacob Meadows

Frond-end Design: Aaron Anderson, Jacob Meadows

Initial tutorial screens designed to onboard new users and incentivize activity and establish a baseline of activity level. Metrics report to show chair user their activity level and enable them to have an accurate gauge of performance daily, weekly, monthly and establish yearly goals for improvement.Daily-use screens include a data-driven home screen that reflects a number of different activity measures over time. Pop-up messages appear when sensors need to be calibrated or if maintenance is suggested for components that are reaching end of life.

A user profile could be useful in an online community of peers with whom competitiveness would be an encouragement for future activity improvement.

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