

Assistive technology researcher and industrial design student at Jefferson University, Philadelphia

Interested in communication device support systems for power wheelchair users with limited manual dexterity. 

Wheelchair seat with arm holding iPad mounted to seat

“An assistive product is an interface between the person and the life they would like to lead.”

enabling technologies: body image and body function, malcolm maclachlan, pamela gallagher, 2004


Wheelchair Attachment and Positioning System

Wheelchair Attachment and Positioning System

Toilet Transfer Assistive Device Research

Toilet Transfer Assistive Device Research

Immersion Blender Redesign

Immersion Blender Redesign

Mouse for Hosmer 5x Users

Mouse for Hosmer 5x Users

Temperature Monitor Housing

Temperature Monitor Housing

Portable Tire Inflator Housing

Portable Tire Inflator Housing

Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro Timer